

Natasha: I know how much Bucky means to you.

Steve: He might not give your a choice.

Natasha: Stay out of this one.

Rose: There will, be consequences.

Tony: You chose the wrong side.

Sam: He doesn't know you.
Steve: He will.

-Here you are……at the begining of your new life.

-Can we change our futures?
-I don't know.

-The only thing I know for sure……is that you are the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Steve: Cos'  I'm with you till the end of line.

这些语句是我特意从奥夫大大剪辑的《时光尽头》盾冬视频里提取出来的,其实也是电影台词来的,这几天一直在刷这个视频,感觉用《万物理论》的arrival of the birds做盾冬的bgm简直美哭QAQ……正如弹幕里所说的,攻不渣,受不作,一切都是时辰的错。

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